Personal crisis: Questioning man's intelligence and his ability to use it. 

The fundamental principles regarding experience that are given to us by the humble nature, are our unlimited ability to understand and think. That is what differentiates us from being mere creatures of nature. For the outside world, therefore, the world of experience is the same source of stimuli for all of us. The thing that makes us all so different from one another despite all living in the same world and receiving the same information, is our unique and different ability to comprehend the world.
 As it was mentioned above, the intellectual power of man is unlimited, but it depends on how much of his cognitive abilities is one willing to use. For example, for the common understanding the fact that the equatorial circumference of the earth is around 40.075 km, (a fact that doesn’t have to be remembered by everyone of us as it is easily accessible whenever we need it) makes believe that the world is pretty big. But when one starts to travel, will see in the process that it isn’t actually that big. On the contrary, someone who isn’t able to travel, will think about the same world, that it is massive and impossible to visit it all.
 Now, about the social differentiation of the wealthy and the poor. It is very obvious. Not only in the finantial aspect but in the mental one as well. Many times though, life choses for us on what should we spend our effort and energy. Unfortunately for the poor, they have to struggle and spend most of their time and effort just to secure the basic needs. The wealthy on the other hand, don’t have to think about fulfilling their basic needs, for that reason they have plenty of time and energy to spend on other things. For instance, they think about serving plenty of intellectual materials on the world of art, education, philosophy, music, etc. And serving plenty of material goods like, finantial support for the unable, etc.
The thing that I find very interesting in man in general is his intelligence, that is the key for keeping him the dominant creature on earth. But the main reason for the dominance despite the intelligence is the ability to use it. For me it would be a good example if I mention two things that I enjoy doing.  One is architecture. All architects have the same instruments (a notebook, a pen, a computer, a program etc.) but the important thing is not the instrument but the skill and the awareness of what are we doing. Also an important part is the information and the knowledge that we need to create and to offer to the world. Second is photography. Photographers have also an instrument that is the camera but the important thing is his ability to read the context and the real frames to capture the right shot. And this situation is the same for everyone.


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