
Showing posts from December, 2018
Image Sampler Tutorial 
Playful AQUAFARMING    The Tirana River is a river that crosses the northern part of Tirana, in the area called "Bregu i Lumit". It forms the northern administrative border of Tirana and divides it from Paskuqan Municipality. The Tirana River is formed by the merging of mountain streams in Zall Dajt. Its stream is clean up to the "Shkalla e Tujanit"  and the village of Brar. In its upper stream, the river has a clear stream, with crystalline waters and rich water worlds. Among the species to be mentioned, is the   freshwater crab, Potamon fluviatile .   After the village of Brar, the Tirana River waters are largely polluted by wastewater, waste and various solid and liquid waste from both sides of the river banks. Tirana River Waters are highly polluted as it approaches Tirana due to the sewage of the sewage of Babrru, Paskuqan, the entire northern part of Tirana, Bathore and Kamza, solid and liquid wastes, as well as gravel crushing from the Tirana River ...